“On July 3, 1917, Lock and Dam No. 1, with hydroelectric capability of 15,200 horsepower, was opened for navigation. Six years after completion, a lease was negotiated with the Ford Motor Corporation for utilization of the dam’s power capabilities.
Between 1917 and 1925, the upper pool was used primarily by pleasure craft; the main reason being the lack of adequate terminals and turning basins.
All barge traffic was halted in August 1929 when the lower lock gate failed. To ensure against future interruption and in anticipation of a 9-foot channel between Minneapolis and St. Louis, the decision was made to build twin lock chambers. The first lock - the riverward lock (right in this photo) - was completed in 1930 and the second - the landward lock (left in this photo) - was placed into operation in 1932.”
-Interpretive plaque on site.